Freitag, 23. Mai 2014

The bike ride to the Lüneburg Heath (2013 ) finally goes on!

Oldendorfer Totenstatt
After a very long break, we finally continue with this series, which is about my bike ride in August 2013 to Lüneburg and the Lüneburg Heath. In October last year, I decided in favor of the work on the current alionsonny album "Continuity" and especially the completion of the "AlionLive - Return 2 Madeira" video series to put this video project on hold. The situation regarding to currently pending projects is not really better, but rather worse. Firstly, the completions of total 2 music albums is in progress, firstly, "Madeira" by Cimelium, and " Willma im Wunderland" by Willma Poppen. And also I recently started a new Madeira video series. But be that as it may, I think it is time to finish this bike ride series ... before I go on the next bike ride : D.

This second part of the series describes the second real day of the tour. After I am rudely woken up after a restful night in a forest near Ochtmissen in the morning, I extensively visit the Old Town of Lüneburg, the Kalkberg and then make my way into the Lüneburg Heath. After already expecting on that day to not see any real heath, in the end I arrive at a large cemetery from the Stone Age , the Oldendorfer Totenstatt. Then I ride on for a while, to finally find a nice campground, close Steinbeck (Luhe ). Of this you will see nothing again, due to rapid nightfall. On that day I rode a total of just 39 kilometers, but due to the extensive filming in Lüneburg and at the Totenstatt this is not really something to wonder about. For the interested, here's the route. Once this series is finalized, I will post a KML for those who want to do this tour themselves, or simply want to only visit certain locations.

The Route

The soundtrack is from the album " Alion - The Original Soundtrack", released in 2010 (you find the buy links below) by alionsonny and the, soon to be released, album "Madeira" by Cimelium .
  • 00:00 - alionsonny - Theme of Alion ( Alion - The Original Soundtrack)
  • 05:44 - alionsonny - Exploring Alion Forest ( Alion - The Original Soundtrack)
  • 08:47 - Cimelium - Nossa Senhora do Monte ( Madeira)
  • 13:43 - alionsonny - Exploring Alion Forest ( Alion - The Original Soundtrack)
  • 15:23 - alionsonny - Alion Castle Theme ( Alion - The Original Soundtrack)
  • 20:28 - alionsonny - The River Valley ( Alion - The Original Soundtrack)
  • 25:07 - Cimelium - Poiso (Madeira)
  • 29:36 - Cimelium - Santo da Serra (Madeira)
  • 34:17 - Cimelium - Santana ( Madeira)
  • 39:13 - Cimelium - Camara de Lobos (Madeira)
"Alion - The Original Soundtrack " is available on
.. and now have fun with the video !

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